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Lionel Messi seek whole world’s attention after Messi send mail to Barcelona that he wants to leave

-          A mass unrest in furious Catalonia

-          Shock the Barca board and forced a mass resignation

-          Created a financial crisis as many sponsors think to  withdraw their sponsorship with Barca

-          Gained 2 million new followers in Instagram within 3 hours to break the record of Jenifer Aniston

-          Became the top search topic on Google, Facebook, Instagram and twitter

-          All clubs including NBA, F1, CRICKET, BASBALL, ICE HOCKEY etc.,  raised their voice regarding Messi

-          The man who shock the whole world without even uttering a single word

Never in before has Lionel Messi been this close of leaving Barca. The fact that president, new coach even the new signing talk and wish Messi stays tells everything, he is serious. Only one who quite is Lionel Messi.

            When we have witnessed the whole evolution of Messi from being just a fragile young player to being the greatest of all time with him always wearing the same Blugarana colors it feels unbelievable to even think seeing Messi in some other colors. It can’t even imagine.

            This time Messi is serious, and we all understand that he is fed up, we all are. He knows his time is running out and the current events at the club are just ruining his legacy as a player. If he had decided to leave I’d kind of understand the decision but it would still make me sad and angry. Most of all it would be one huge failures from the board to make Messi decide to leave the club of his life but it would also be a sad day for Barca fan because it would be impossible to wish him success in the same way if he had be Barca’s rival, well we cannot even imagine him playing against Barca. Even through, you could never wish Messi bad or start hating him.

            The Barca is a mess currently but really hopes Messi’s love for the badge wins in the end because seeing him in another club would leave this Barca fan with broken heart. His destiny is to retire at Barca, at home. 

With three being, Barca players who can play as a forward next season, the club will definitely need to offload some this summer excluding Messi. Which attackers do you think should be sold and which do you think should be kept?

-          Luis Suarez

-          Philippe Coutinho

-          Antoine Griezmann

-          Ousmane Dembele

-          Fati

-          Braithwaite

Bartomeu wants to meet with Messi face to face to convince him to stay. According to TV3, Bartomeu is willing to step down as Barca president if Lionel Messi publicly agrees to stay at the club.

            Messi vs Barca’s board atm. Bartomeu put all the pressure on Messi. Told the media he will resign if Leo speaks to the public that he will stay. Smart move by Bartomeu, gives the media ammo to attack Leo as a director, in case he stay he would resign but there would be no presidential elections, the rest of the board would stay and the mess we are in since years continues.

             I am at the point where I’m okay with Leo leaving, it hurts as a Cule but Messi does not deserve to get treated like this by business guys, who have not a single shame in their bodies and no love for Barca. Messi deserve better.

Friendly Pact: Messi’s departure will be similar to Cristiano’s at Real Madrid. There will be a friendly pact between the club and the player. Messi wants to make sure that Barca will obtain money for his transfer. His signing will be around 150 million euros.

But now trusted sources inside the club have confirmed that Bartomeu will not sell Lionel Messi whatsoever. The only way out for Messi is if a club pays his release clause. Bartomeu insists on not allowing Messi to leave for free. The whole situation could take a one-eight.

            According to inside sources of Barcelona tells that Messi will not leave Barcelona till he will retire. Messi want to end his carrier at Barcelona, the club who made Messi, and he same way the club who grew under Lionel Messi aura. Messi so much disappointed due to poor management and their decision. Messi also disappointed, the way management treat his beloved teammates. The way Barcelona club’s management treated Luis Suarez that was so mush disrespectful for Luis Suarez, and that’s point hurt Messi most. Messi gave Barcelona clue that if the club stay as it is than he will leave. He was tired of decisions taken by club’s authorities. Leo love Barcelona most but, He has his own legacy, he is one of the greatest in the world, but if he don’t win any trophy than it might affect his legacy. Definitely he doesn’t worry about his legacy, and its own achievement but this time questions raised against Barcelona and he did not allowed clubs fall under his command. That’s why he sent a legal notice to the club management.

            Lionel Messi will not leave Barcelona it’s confirm. But the club’s authorities remain same that he must leave Barcelona and he will join Manchester City. With Messi’s future Luis Suarez’s future also attached. May be those two friends wants to play with each other until their retirement. Many offer came for Luis Suarez, many club wants this Barcelona sticker but Luis Suarez also want to play with Barcelona even coach want him as a substitute. If Philippe Coutinho will come to Barcelona and he will remain his form than Barcelona starting attacking 3 will be Griezmann, Coutinho and Messi, and Luis Suarez as a substitute.


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