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Lionel Messi stayed when our best players left, he stayed when Rosell and Bartomeu made scandal after scandal, he stayed despite carrying the team year in year out alone, he stayed despite humiliation after humiliation. Enough is enough. So we let him decide.

            Barcelona takes it for granted that they will not be able keep Lionel Messi, but they do not want to let him go for free. Their idea is to ask for a millionaire transfer, even if it is well below 700 M. Imagine being the president who allowed the greatest player in the history of the club simply walk out of the door, and not only walk out, but want to walk out. Bartomeu has driven Lionel Messi away from the club that he absolutely loves.

“Tomorrow at 9AM, I will present a vote of censure against Bartomeu and his board of directors, for the sake of the club we cannot allow them to continue for another minutes.”

JORDI FARRE (Presidential Candidate)

“If Messi is to leave from Barcelona by activating a release clause, then I hope the club try to help, not hinder him. He has been fiercely loyal and their greatest ever player. It would be terribly sad if it finished with a fight between the player and the club.”


What Lionel Messi precisely did within 3 hours to the world!

-          Created a mass agitation and unrest in furious Catalonia.

-          Shook the Barcelona Board and Forced a mass resignation for the people who are ruling for last 6 years

-          Created 2 million new followers in Instagram within 3 hours to break the record of Jennifer Aniston.

-          Became the top discussed / searched topic in Twitter, Instagram. Facebook and Google.

-          Created a global sports concern where a lot of global sports organizations raised their voice. That includes tennis, NBA, F1, Baseball, Ice Hockey, American football, Cricket, Athletics.

-          The man who shook the world without starting a single world or PR stunt.     

Everybody knows that Messi is loyal. But we can’t expect the best player ever the play us if don’t return the favor. Lionel Messi has been carrying our club for several years now. In terms of abilities no one comes close, still we have been embarrassed time after time. If we can’t be loyal towards Messi, meaning we give him good surrounding we can’t expect him to stay. Things have been bad for years now. It’s understandable he is tired of it. He has given his everything for many seasons, only to feel how our board ruins the club over time. Lionel Messi is the 2nd most loyal active player leave the club, with 16 years 7 months and 25 days.

Lionel Messi was so disappointed when

-          April 10, 2018: Roma 3 – 0 Barcelona

-          May 7, 2019: Liverpool 4 – 0 Barcelona

-          August 14, 2020: Bayren Munich 8 – 2 Barcelona

These matches broke Lionel Messi at Barcelona.

The fax Messi sent to the club has been leaked. By means of this letter,

 I, Lionel Andres Messi Cuccittini, with a white ID (blank), request that the employment benefit contract that I currently occupy in your distinguished club be terminated, based on clause number 24 that allows me to have this power.

            I appreciate all the opportunities for personal growth and professional that was offered to me during the time I worked. learning’s that allowed me to consolidate my technical and human profile, but for personal reasons this difficult decision was made to me, which I hope will be made in the best way by the management of this club.

Tyc sports confirmed that Bartomeu will resign very soon. I am still not sure what Bartomeu will do because he’s a coward! Hopefully he leaves! Also today 9:00 AM there will be a motion of no confidence against Bartomeu which will be supported by all! Let’s hope for the best! 1 % chance 99% faith!

“Barcelona is Messi. If he leaves then we need to try to find another name for the club.”

SAMUEL ETO’S (Ex Barca Player)

“We hope that with Trincao and the players that we can bring from now on we can build a powerfull Barca that aspires to wen everything.” “We want to build another winning cycle alongside the best player in the world. We will continue to count on Messi.” “We are not contemplating a departure of Messi. We want Messi to stay.” The future is bright, with very talented young players. We can’t make this a fight between Messi and Barca because neither of them deserves it. We have to lots of respect for the players who have given a lot to the club.  I am convince that all the players that we have brought, like De Jong and Lenget, and those that we are bringing, like Trincao and Pedri, are going to give us a lot in the future. Lionel Messi has not told us that he’s not going to show up for training.

RAMON PLANES (Technical secretary)

“As for that stuff about Messi, it is not true, you should not always believe what you read. I always tried to be a good influence on him and actually try to do what Ronaldo did for me. I felt embraced by Ronaldo and I wanted Lionel to have the same. Messi was always very shy, but a fantastic player. We lived on the same street, so I had a great relationship with him and his family.”

RONALDINHO (Ex Barcelona player)

“It makes me suspect that they want to sell Messi which would be a historical error. Poor management by an incompetent board.”


If Bartomeu resign and Messi stays, it will be the biggest win in football history. It will be the actual start of rebuilding Barcelona. Bartomeu planned to wreck this club.

“It is very unlikely that Messi will leave Barcelona. If I were Barca, I would not let him leave in any case. His relationship with Barca is very intense, I don’t think he stopped being in love with the club. Letting their best players go is not the solution for Barca.”

RONALDO NAZARIO (On Messi’s future)


Why Lionel Messi wants to leave Barcelona click here:

What is the clause that Messi triggered to leave Barcelona click here:



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