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Why memes became so much famous?

            It’s started exactly 10 years ago when many social media became so users friendly and became most usable platform on internet. Meme become famous because of many user friendly social media and its millions of users. Social media platform use as professional medium, as a business purpose, connecting people, for dating, online selling, marketing, entertainment, contain creation, talent explore. Meme become famous due to a social media which is use for entertaining people. Meme create different condition on different parameters. Meme represents thousands word’s conversation, talk, trending topic into one image and some text. Creation of meme is so easy all you need to do your text on picture according to condition.

What is the meaning of meme in social media?

            Meme means an image of such a condition or conversation represents via image and text in it with using currently trending topic and with desirable plot. A meme is a concept which is spread to person to person including such a topic like fashion, news film, song, special condition, stories, and troubled situation. Meme speaks thousands words, Meme express many more way than a long video even film. Meme’s condition depends upon how you decorate it. Meme itself include lots of information as a concept .Meme connects people on social media. Meme spread rapidly on social media it does not take too much internet or take too much load. Meme represents human behavior, social condition, create funny situation.

Who are responsible behind popularity meme?

            There are so many reasons behind popularity of memes, but specially digital creators, short video maker, entertaining industry, you tube are responsible for popularity of memes. Most of credits go to digital contain creators. Means there are so many happenings things in this world bad or worst, but imagine it and create a such a image that speak thousands of words is a really big think. It takes so much time for creating meme. Before making meme you need to understand what’s going on in this world, what’s hot topic, what’s currently trading, which topic trending on top, which types of topic people like, which types meme condition people like, how people see such a trading topic, how they react it, how they want to express. These things keep in mind before making memes so hats off to all the digital creator, short video maker, entertaining industry, you tube video creators.

Where you can makes memes?

            There are so many website available for making meme. If you want to make meme than first decide which type meme you want to make and what you want to wright in it. Select trending hot topic which is popular in the market and elaborate into different situations like sad, happy, funny, complicated, and angry. Decide your situation and make sure what you want to wright in that situation. Now most important parts come, which type of meme image match to you situation. There are so many meme image or you can say ‘meme materials’ available. You need to think smart which type of meme material matches to your situation, so people like it. Meme image suitable to your situation and remember there will be no problem for people to understand meme. If you select these types of criteria than you just need to go meme’s website and you’re your text into blank spaces in the meme image and make a meme according to your situation.

Where do you post meme?

            You can post your memes on any social media platform. Many social medial platform only use for professional use. Many social medial belongs to business, or related with professional business. You cannot post your meme on social media which is only use for business purpose. Choose such a type of social media platform which is currently famous in market. Choose a social media platform on that people came for joy, wants to know what’s happening in the world, what’s trading right now. Choose a social media platform which is wisely use, and popular in between people. Make sure whatever you want to post is user friendly to the social media and popular between social media’s users.

Can you get pay for making meme?

            If you are professional meme creator and post it on social media for a very long time. People like your meme and do share your post in social media than your follower will increase. If you reach certain limit and you have enough followers on your social media only because of your memes post than you are eligible for get paid. You have your base and you makings lots of good meme and people love it than whichever social media platform you use, they make turn account into business account. You have an account with contains than you can also paid promotion on your social media account. You can also charge companies for publish advertise on your social media account Otherwise there are payment for posting memes on social media.

Is it illegal or legal?

            Meme create no problem at some level. You can make meme whatever you want. It is totally legal. There will be no issues against it, but there are some limitations at every platform. You cannot use any person name, face, and identity without taking them permission, or you cannot create a meme which is harmful for religion, society, culture, or create racism. You cannot make a meme which is create or spread illegal activity. Otherwise there are so many reason for creation of meme, you just remind you self that you don’t want to hurts anyone feeling or against anyone. You can make funny meme with using current trending news or trending topic in the world and make people laugh.

Which social media platform best for posting meme

            You can post your own meme at any social media platform but especially Instagram is famous for meme. There are no competitions with Instagram with other social media platform. Because feature of Instagram suite perfectly foe meme and now a day Instagram is most famous social media platform than anything else. Instagram make meme more interesting because some of its features. Also Facebook same famous as Instagram you can also post yourself made memes on Facebook. Apart from Instagram and Facebook you can also use Pintrest, twitter. You can also make a video using meme completion and post it on you tube.  



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