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Electrolysis Process - Future of electricity generation

What we have currently and what we are going to face in future?

We all know that somehow science is going to depth of innovation, but still we are using fossil fuels or we can say Non- renewable energy sources like petroleum. We are using processed petroleum in daily uses, in industry, for transportation. But now we have enough Non-refundable energy sources on the earth. According to environmental experts we have only 9% of total Non-refundable energy sources that will last long till more than 20 years. To be honest our grandchildren will not be able to use any Non-refundable energy sources if we spend and vest most of it. And that might become one of the ancient things that appeared in the past. 

Cameron Hepburn

Professor of environmental Economics,

University of Oxford

"The things I'm most excited about are the precipitous falls in the cost of electrolysis right now, because getting what is increasingly cheaper and cheaper solar and wind energy into molecular form is the missing piece of completely clean and cheap energy landscape that then gives the whole global economy a boost in the second half of this century."

Almost every country's Scientists and Engineering now on the mission to produce electricity from not only Renewable energy sources but as well as other ways. So from the conclusion of scientists Electrolysis is the method to produce electricity from Chemical processes. 


What is Electrolysis? and Why is it so powerful?

Electrolysis is a chemical process that uses electricity production. To break down water into hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen can then be burned as clean energy, with water as the only by-product. It's a neat solution to one of the biggest challenges posed by renewable. 

How to store excess energy generated by wind and solar, when demand is low, for example during night time.

Hydrogen produced by electrolysis is zero emission. If electricity used in the process comes from renewable sources than Hydrogen could be key to decarbonizing industrial processes. And could be used in a new era of emission free transport. Perhaps even powering passenger flights.

Electrolysis could make renewable energy more cost competitive too. By enabling wind and solar farms to use more of their generation capacity. Experts believe the cost of producing hydrogen could fall 80% by 2030. Which would make it competitive with existing industrial scale energy sources

Also words by 

Cameron Hepburn

Professor of environmental Economics,

University of Oxford

"We are Victorians of the 21st century building out all this infrastructure that enables us to prosperous, sustainable and clean, with the SDGs [UN Sustainable Development Goals]. Met for the second half of the century."


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