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What is the future of Mjolnir in Thor: Love and Thunder

 History of Mjolnir

Beginning from Thor Movie

We all fan first saw Mjolnir in Thor Movie. Mjolnir is one of the most deadliest and Powerful weapon in Marvel Comics. Odin was the person who introduced Mjolnir to the fans and held it to the worthy thor in the Thor the dark world movie. Mjolnir was made from material of dying nutron star. 
The place where Mjolnir was built is known as Nidavellir, Eitri and his mans built Mjolnir by King Odin order. King Odin wanted to create enchanted hammer and in Universes only Nidavellir was the place where this magical creation possible. According to Marvel comics only few people have the power and worthy ness to pick up Mjolnir. Odin, Thor, Eitri, and few other characters are capable to pick up Mjolnir
 We saw in Avenger Endgame Captain America also able to hold The great Mjolnir. "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the Power of Thor" this is the word that works on Mjolnir to pick it up. At the beginning in Marvel Comics only Odin can hold the hammer, but after the whoever takes his place will able to hold the Mjolnir, and that's actually happened in Thor: the dark world. 
Odin held the Mjolnir to the worthy Thor in order to protect seven realms. In Thor Ragnarok, Thor's sister broke Mjolnir by her bare hand, and that's make her one of the dangerous character and Villain of Marvel Cinematic Universe. For other people it was impossible to pick it up and Hella distroyed The hammer. Hella is the 'queen of hell', she is more powerful than any characters of Avenger end game.

Taita Waititi confirmed that Mjolnir will come back in Marvel Cinematic Universe and Jane foster will the person who fullfill all the capability to have worthiness of Mjolnir power. In upcoming Thor:lobe and thunder movie Jane foster will get the hammer after she will win the battle against Cancer. 

According to Marvel Cinematic Universe's Producer Kevin Feige Thor: Love and Thunder based on comic same name as Love and Thunder. Taita Waititi confirmed Thor love and thunder concept in 2019 Comic Con and gave one hope of Jane foster will be featuring in MCU. But actual Mjolnir destroyed in Thor Ragnarok, than how will it come back. Also Thor brought back Mjolnir from his past when he was still worthy, and used it in Endgame events, but Captain America also took Mjolnir to its original place alongside with infinity stone.

 Now how will Mjolnir will come back in Marvel and How Taita Waititi will use it in upcoming Marvel Movies, that's the big question for all Marvel fans. What is the future of Mjolnir?

Last time Scree share of Mjolnir
Last time we saw Mjolnir in Avenger Endgame in Captain America's hand, and he took Mjolnir with him. To put it the place where it was belongs. Original Mjolnir"s part are still in the Norway where Hell broke it or Someone collected Mjolnir's  parts and assembled it in 'New Asguard'. 
But according to Marvel comics no one can able to hold old Mjolnir accept Thor him self. Than what happened after Avenger Infinity war, did Thor brought Mjolnir's parts back to the 'New Asguard' or did someone else did that. We will find out that soon in Thor love and thunder. 
And Next blog we will publish possible fan theory related to Mjolnir and it's future in Marvel Cinematic Universe.


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