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How Samsung dominates South Korea's economy

 How Samsung dominates South Korea's economy 
Here are some fact that might be happen in future if Samsung will dominates South Korea's tech market 

1. South Korean could be born in Samsung owned Medical Hospital or Samsung medical center

2. South Korean will group up learning to read and write with the help of Samsung gadgets

3. They might be attend Samsung owned the Samsung affiliated Sungkyunkwan university

4. In future South Korean people will live in a Samsung built apparent complex

5. Or fun fact "they can even end up at a Samsung funeral parlor when they die


Profile of Samsung

Found: 1 March 1938 

Headquarters: Seocho, Seoul, South Korea

Working still: 82 years

Place at founded: Japanese Korea

Founder of Samsung: Lee byung-chul

Market cover:. Worldwide

Net Revenue: $ 210 Billion

Net Income: $ 38 Billion

Fact that put Samsung brand stand globally with Apple and Amazon

Samsung is the richest brand than Apple, because Apple totally dominates USA smart phone market and digital gadgets. Apple sell only smart devices but Samsung has many products to sell. Like Samsung make Mobile Phone, Home applinces, solid state device, Automativ, Hybrid Chemical, Infrastructure, Electronic components and its parts, Medical equipment, Ship, Memory devices and Communication tower but Apple make only Smart gadgets.

Another fact is Apple not have any sub company to feed, but Samsung has many sub company to manage. All sub company get together and make Samsung group. Apple dominates in USA but Samsung dominates all over Asia. In Asian countries there are no such a smart phone company as Samsung. Samsung provide all types variety in products, Samsung make expensive gadgets as well as cheap gadgets and that's make Samsung most trusted brand in Asia.

If you going to buy any home appliances device you will find Samsung's brand product at least one with top quality. For maintain loyalty towards the market Samsung has come long way.

Samsung had just enhanced there android phones with a better processors in models like Samsung galaxy M and fusion with 5g network connection in note series.

After the series of rejection by the customers Samsung is again in market at the top of MI, REALMI, HONOR, OPPO etc. In spite of enhancement of models and camera quality Samsung had started to encourage there customers for helping the poor and disabled person by the inbuilt application comes with the smart phones. 

As we can see that all Chinese product as well as smart phone which were directly benifiting the country economy of china are being banned and also are refused by the people of India in such situation Samsung the Korean production is on the field with with lower price and higher configuration.

We can say that Samsung will again be at the top as per demand. Definitely Samsung leading tech market around Asia, but the time is near when Samsung will become worthy like whole Korea's economy rate. Even now a day Samsung bring latest technologies evolution in smart phone industry. Samsung is the number one trusted brand in India, and Apple brand following it.

Samsung make rubbed smartphone with longest lifespan but one problem with Samsung is hanging of Phone. Samsung had it's own methodology of CEO, like other companies CEO of Samsung have not changed frequently.

Revenue of Samsung group not affected by Corona Pandemic, so think about it how big brand Samsung is. Former CEO of Samsung die recently. And he admit that under his guidance Samsung rich highest amplitude of Samsung's business. Samsung built The tallest building of the world 'Burj Khalifa'. Still Burj Khalifa is stand tall in the Dubai. Samsung also part of the some unique and massive infrastructure development projects.

This South Korean company stand head by head with every global brands in the list of 'Most trusted brand in the World'. Samsung ranked 8th place at the global brand value. Its not easy to ramain trusted brand more than 50 years and Samsung managed its image from last 82 years. Net revenue of Samsung around $ 210 Billion worldwide. Net income of Samsung around $ 38 Billion worldwide. 


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