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How Mjolnir will came back to Marvel Cinematic Universe, Possible ways how Mjolnir come back to MCU

Here we have discussed possible ways how Mjolnir come back to Marvel Cinematic Universe or Thor: Love and Thunder


Loki is the god of Mysteries. We still don't know whether Loki died or not. In past Loki died many times but he somehow survived and came back strongly. In terms of power and magic Loki is still out of our sites, Marvel studio didn't used Loki as his full potential, he is such a strong as almost like Thor but Marvel Cinematic Universe wanted to Loki as a Villain in Phase one that's why we saw other version of Loki otherwise he is capable of Summen ultra energy sources. 

Loki has the power of invisibility and multiple telepathy. He can be in many places at the same time. Loki telepath Tesseract in Avenger End Game. He is the one who can bring Mjolnir in current timeline of Marvel Cinematic Universe but the main problem is he is not worthy that's why he can't be held by Mjolnir.

Jane Foster (Female Thor)

In the Thor comic book Jane Foster is battling with Cancer, and after defeating it she will become worthy to hold the Mjolnir. Taika Waititi announced that Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) will become worthy of Thor and She will take the place of Thor. According to fan theory, "after fighting with Cancer Jane will go to Norway to collect all the parts of Mjolnir and Assemble it and innovate another Mjolnir.

In Thor: The dark world Jane went to the other Universe and she brought Reality stone with her. Only a few Marvel characters can hold Reality stone, and Jane Foster is one of them.

We noticed in Thor: The dark world that, When soldiers touched Jane, they all were falling apart. We will see in Thor: Love and Thunder that how Mjolnir will come back in MCU

Captain America

In the climax of Endgame Captain America went to the past and took Infinity stones and Mjolnir with him to put them in their original place. That's why he saw many things comparing to other characters. Whole new movie can be feature on Captain America's past journey.

We don't know if Captain America also brought back Mjolnir in Endgame with Shield and gave it to the Jane foster. This one fan theory also somehow related to the Thor Love and Thunder storyline. 


In Thor Ragnarok, Hella broke Mjolnir and she became the ultimate villain of Thor: trilogy. In the Avenger Endgame, we saw a new Asgard, but the mystery of Mjolnir didn't come out. What we saw in Avenger Endgame, is that Mjolnir is old Mjolnir but there is another Mjolnir too, which was broken by Hella in Norway.

Whether Thor brought broken Mjolnir to the New Asgard on earth or he gave it to the Doctor strange, this is another fan theory related to Mjolnir.

Now it's official, that Thor love and Thunder and become the 4th movie of Thor and we will see female Thor. Thor: Love and Thunder based on 'Unworthy Thor' comics. 


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