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Before 58 years Stan Lee and Jack Kirby made hulk’s character, we saw hulk for the very first time in a live-action film, in 2003 in an animated movie. And we saw hulk in marvel movie like the incredible hulk, the Avengers saga, Thor Ragnarock. Plus we saw Bruce banners cameo in iron-man three’s post-credit scene and Captain Marvel’s mid-credit scene. But we now talk about how we can see hulk in an incredible storyline in the future.

Hulk is the all-time favorite superhero for not only kids but youngsters too. The popularity of hulk is all around the world, we all would love hulk as a superhero. We will pay to watch distractive hulk. The way Stan lee built hulk is just mind-blowing. Credits not only goes to Stan lee but other co-writers too. Hulk is one of the main superheroes in Marvel comics.

Whether you are a comics fan or not, you can't be denied that you never heard a HULK word before. There are too many storylines in Marvel comics. There is no comparison of Hulk's abilities with any ordinary superhero. Hulk is 100 % incredible when it comes to Strength, Power, Durability, speed, Destruction level.

We know hulk as a beast or mountain, but we also saw hulk as a supercomputer in the Avenger End game. Of course Bruce Banner is the smartest person in the Marvel Comics but in the Avenger End game, Kevin Feige is also posturized, when Bruce Banner turns into the hulk, but still, hulk remains as a super genius. This fact you might never knew, but it's true.

 There are too many great storylines for hulk to make a solo movie but Marvel cinematic universe didn't give us that kind of Hulk solo movie with Mark Ruffalo. We didn't see Hulk solo movies like Iron man, Captain America, and Thor. Marvel cinematic universe was busy building a storyline with these three main characters or we can say as a superhero.

That's the only reason we never see Bug solo movie of hulk with Mark Ruffalo. But Kevin Feige is a smart person, he knows what fans want, and what's best for business. We don't know what's going on in Kevin Feige's mind. He wants to make another movie of hulk with a proper storyline apart from the Avenger theme, we never know.

 Kevin Feige knows Hulk has a huge comic book script for making multiple HULK movies, maybe we will see Hulk's solo movie in the future.

 We hope best from the best, we hope best from the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Kevin Feige. Also, Kevin Feige wants to bring many more movies that features hulk in it, but we have to wait for that. Now Marvel Cinematic Universe has so many working projects that have to work on it.

 But deep down we all know that Marvel Cinematic Universe also wants to build a project based in Hulk's storyline.

Hulk's storyline not over yet after the Avenger End game or we can say the third phase of Avenger. We still have to watch many more of Hulk's abilities in theatre, but we have to wait for that. Maybe Mark Ruffalo's contract might be end soon but will see another actor as a Hulk in future.

Disney has not distributive rights of hulk that’s way we never seen hulk’s solo movie in between 2008-2020, but January 2020 we heard rumors about hulk that “film rights to hulk and Namor reportedly revert back to marvel studio. 

That’s mean distribution rights of hulk come back to Disney but that’s news not confirmed by marvel studios and Kevin Feige, but hope we will see another great solo movie of hulk soon.

 We will see hulk after events of avenger end game or before avenger ends gams event. But on which storyline based, here we figure it out that on which story line can bring hulk back in solo movie by Kevin Feige.



In this story line hulk become corrupt and hulk try to maintain his anger so bad side of Bruce banner should not come. We all know that Bruce banner and hulk are two different personality, we all see in avenger infinity war, some of you don’t know that’s ok. 

In this storyline hulk begin a mission to fight with fantastic four especially with the things, the wolverine and the punisher. He continues fight with these three superhero and rapidly increase his problem, that’s what we friend want. If you want to see how hulk break the thing, so this is the best storyline and on of the best comic series.


It’s become dreams come true for all the fans to see not only hulk’s solo movie but r rated hulk’s solo movie. For this storyline, the ultimate wolverine vs hulk storyline is the best comics. These miniseries were written by famous writer Damon Lindelof who is a co-writer of the lost. Damon Lindelof brings this storyline in the ultimate marvel universe.

This storyline is one of the bloodiest storylines in comic book history, in this storyline, there are no rules and regulations and no holdback. We can see the same durability’s superhero’s fight in this storyline. In this storyline hulk latterly cut wolverine into two parts and that’s the worthy parts of the ultimate wolverine vs hulk’s storyline. And this is just beginning.

When it’s come to the rights of fox-marvel characters, fox studios have it, but when it will come back to marvel we will see mind-blowing movies based on these types of storylines.


This storyline begins with Betty Ross. We saw Betty Ross previously. I mean we saw her in the incredible hulk. This storyline begins with Abomination killed Betty Ross in the starting. In this storyline we will see Betty’s father thunderbolt and Bruce banner on one side, that’s never happened in comics books but this comics book this miracle happens.

They both find Abomination and want to revenge Betty’s death. And there the real seen create, this time we see one of the most deadly fights of hulk from all comic books. The fight between Hulk and Abomination ended a horrible way. And that’s fight latterly scare me.


This is out of the continuity story, and this storyline could abject between any storyline of the marvel cinematic universe. In this storyline, the good friend of hulk’s come from the future name nick jones. Nick jones takes hulk with him in the future.

    They both go in 9200 years which means Mystro’s world. In this storyline, hulk finds out that the majority superhero dies at this time, and he is alone. Hulk finds out that Mystro is no other than a future version of him.

    We saw previously time traveling in the avenger end game. So this storyline creates to make sense to go in the future and brings time travels to fans. If you are a comic fan you must know that Mystro is no ordinary villain.

     Mystro is one of the major villains of MCU. We saw many comics’ books, in which Mystro features in it. Once we saw Mystro used destroyer, so this scene will be one of the great scenes of a superhero movie.


This storyline is one of my favorites because in this storyline we saw hulk with his full potential. How he capable of, what’s his strength, what’s his durability’s. If marvel studio wants to make the whole phase based on world war hulk’s storyline. In this storyline, hulk comes back from scar and might with black bolt, iron-man, Do strange, Mr. Fantastic.

Hulk thinks that these four people responsible for scar’s destruction and these four people responsible to send hulk on the scarred planet. In this storyline’s hulk become the angriest version of the hulk and most destructive hulk. 

    At one point he becomes world breaker hulk. We saw hulk as a normal angry version, but in this storyline, hulk becomes the bomb, that you never imagine.

    So this is one of the finest storylines of the hulk, but this storyline can’t be pictured now, because we saw hulk very different way in Thor Ragnarock. 

    Hulk in world war is very unique than hulk in Thor Ragnarock. In this storyline, you will see Santry “the superman of marvel cinematic universe”. The final fight of world war hulk happens between these two superheroes.

 Now you think about it, what would happen if there will ever fight happen between the superhero who has the power of the whole planet vs the superhero who is capable to destroy the whole planet. This is one of the best storylines of comic books. We fans can’t wait to see this storyline in the film.

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